Warehousing challenges such as inaccurate inventory and suboptimal picking have worsened over the past year. This is primarily due to Covid-19 disruptions. Think you might need local offsite product storage options for your business?
The growing need to keep more inventory on hand has increased the use of safety stock, which often counters efficient just-in-time practices. Experts expect this trend to continue as supply chains begin to readjust to pre-pandemic levels.
The trend of companies keeping more buffer stock shows that many companies depleted their warehouse spaces at least once during the pandemic. Indeed, several organizations are still struggling with stocking the right quantity of products. Exhausting your warehouse space, in turn, can also create capacity issues.
Offsite Product Storage Solves the Problem
If you’re one of the thousands of businesses affected by the drastic and sudden shift in warehouse operations, you may want to consider offsite storage.
1. Avoid warehouse ownership costs
Building a warehouse on your existing property may feel great – and it is under certain circumstances. However, it may also be an expensive and impractical undertaking, especially for smaller companies. You only need to imagine what would happen if your business expands, necessitating more storage space. You would suddenly be back to square one – after spending tons of money on building your own warehouse.
Outsourcing storage from the onset means you get as much storage space as you need (even when expanding) without the hassle of building one. Additionally, upgrading to more space is much easier at any stage, as the storage company handles the logistics.
2. Eliminate warehouse maintenance costs
The cost of maintenance is often overlooked. Yet studies show that warehouse maintenance can be one of the highest business costs for manufacturers. Recent studies show that it costs over $7.79 per foot to run a warehouse. And that’s before potential loss and damage costs.
Bulk shipping via an offsite warehouse and distribution services provider can significantly cut costs. For one, you no longer have to worry about hiring a team of warehouse staff. You can also eliminate extra utility costs.
3. Increased flexibility and business agility
Manufacturers learned first-hand during the pandemic that the best businesses are those equipped to respond quickly when business conditions change. As some businesses struggled to acquire additional storage space for safety stock over the past 18+ months, their well-prepared counterparts widened the competition gap. They had the advantage because they had the means and tools to sustain operations without running out of product.
Partnering with warehouse storage and distribution solution provider gives you the same competitive advantage. You’re guaranteed better insight and professional input. You also get all the support you need to scale operations up or down, depending on demand.
4. Value-adding services
Finally, today’s warehousing and distribution centers do a lot more than just storing your products. Thanks to increasing competition, many of the best warehouse solutions providers also offer value-added services such as picking, packing, and shipping services.
Some even offer inventory management services to help you reduce the risk of overstocking while taking care to ensure that you never run out of stock.
Get a Quote
Whether you’re short on storage space or simply thinking about creative solutions to minimize operating costs, offsite storage can be the competitive advantage you’ve always needed.
Contact EQ Logistics in Elkhart, Indiana for a quote today.
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